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Chemistry Resources For The Secondary Education Teacher On The WWW


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redballAmerican Chemical Society
The ACS is a self-governed individual membership organization for chemists, chemical engineers, and technicians in academia and private industry. It is broken down into different divisions, one of which is the Division of Chemical Education. In part the ACS seeks to "Promote the public's perceptions and understanding of chemistry and the chemical sciences through public outreach programs and public awareness campaigns." The ACS also hosts national, regional, and local section meetings which are beneficial for the exchange of information and ideas. The organization also provides educational resources for chemistry teachers at all levels.

redballAssociation for Science Education
The ASE is an organization for "anyone with an interest in science education." It promotes, supports and develops science education from pre-school through higher education.

redballCenter for Chemistry Education
The Center for Chemistry Education (CCE) "brings chemistry and the companion sciences to life for teachers and students at all levels." It offers many educational programs for both teachers and students, as well as a distinctive supply of teacher resource materials.

redballEisenhower National Clearinghouse
The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse (ENC) is a nationally recognized information source for K-12 mathematics and science teachers. The ENC and the Eisenhower Regional Consortia are sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement.

redballInstitute for Chemical Education
ICE's mission is to help revitalize science in schools by developing and disseminating chemistry materials for K-college teachers.

redballNational Academy of Sciences
The National Academy of Sciences and its sister organizations - the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council, are non-profit organizations which provide a public service by working outside the framework of government to provide independent advice on matters of science, technology, and medicine to the government.

redballNational Science Teachers Association
The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) "is the largest organization in the world promoting science teaching and learning for all."

redballThe Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
The WWNFF is an organization dedicated to the encouragement of excellence in education through the identification of critical needs and the development of effective programs to address them.
