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ELEMENTS 116 & 118

News Articles

redballResults of Element 118 Experiment Retracted (Berkeley Lab research news, 7/27/01)

redballRejected elements come in two forms - one more serious than the other (PeriodicTable.com)

redballElement 118 Bows Out (Physics Today, 2001)

redballElement 118 Has Been Erased from the Periodic Table (Physics News Update, 8/01/01)

redballElement 118 disappears two years after it was discovered (PhysicsWeb, 8/02/01)

redballResearchers take an element off the table (Science News, Aug '01)

redballResearchers take an element off the table (Science News at Prentice Hall, Aug '01)

redballYear In Science: Chemistry - We're missing an atom (Discover, Jan '02)

redballPresent at the Creation (Science & Technology Review, 3/08/02)

redballHeavy Suspicion: Elemental discoveries trace to fake data (Science News, Jul '02)

redballElement 118 Dropped from Periodic Table (Scientific American, 7/17/02)

redballLawrence Berkeley Lab Concludes that Evidence of Element 118 Was a Fabrication (Physics Today, 2003)